Wednesday, July 29, 2015

People, Places, and Things I Currently Fancy

This isn’t a lifestyle blog, since I hardly speak of my personal life or habits. If I did that would be so incredibly awkward, so I just share surface information. Anyway, I’m starting a new series of posts where every now and then I’ll post about people, places, and things I fancy at the moment. Just because I’m Catholic doesn’t mean I can’t like other stuff. Or people. So this is the first one. As a side note, I’m also going to begin a whole other string of posts on The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila. In those posts I’ll go through the mansions one by one, explain them, muse through my own thoughts, and try to come to the understanding that St. Teresa left for us. I’m looking forward to it because if you know me, you know I love St. Teresa of Avila. 

Also, this blog now has a Facebook page. *Cue the confetti and children saying yaaaay* 
I’ll put a link in the sidebar, but here’s the link: The Salty Catholic 
Share it, tell your friends, like it, be cool.

In no particular order, I present to you the people, places, and things I currently fancy. 

Chris Pratt 


Because what’s not to like about Chris Pratt? Seriously. He’s likable without even trying. I’d watch Jurassic World again. I kept thinking of him as Andy from Parks and Recreation, but fighting dinosaurs are cool too.

St. Raphael 

St. Raphael is the best. He always helps me out with everything. When I’m lost, blind, need healing, or just praying for my intentions, he’s there. He didn’t fail Tobias, so he won’t fail us either. Plus the Book of Tobit is just all around awesome. It’s a love story with pooping birds, demon slaying, fishing, and victory. I don’t think any other story beats that.

School Supplies

Even though I’m in college I really do like shopping for school supplies. It’s almost time to go back to school, so I have to stock up on new notebooks, pens, sticky notes, and folders. Yes, I’m that student. I also changed my major to communications (future speech therapist up in huurrr) so you could say I’m excited to start the next semester. I also have to learn ASL so I’m really looking forward to that. 

AM by the Arctic Monkeys

Look away kids, I listen to secular music. But real talk this album is badass. I’ve always really liked the Arctic Monkeys older stuff, but this album is just something else. The new hip hop influence, sleek lyrics and falsetto tones spoke to me on a personal level. Especially the emotionally-cool lyrics. I’ve shed many a tear to this album. Cheesy, but you don’t get it unless you feel music on that level. I’m calling it now, Alex Turner is going to be one of the greatest lyricists of our time, bet on it. 

The beach 

Living in California makes this one pretty obvious. For me, the beach is emotionally and spiritually refreshing, like a little retreat. Every single time I go to the beach, I always think of Our Star of the Sea, too. I look out to the beautiful yet frightening mass of water and I’m always amazed by the thought that Our Lady is the Star of the Sea who brings us all home, no matter how lost out we are.


Source: Chipotle

Now, I’m Mexican-American and I know my Mexican food. I didn’t think I would like Chipotle because I pride myself in knowing what real Mexican food is and isn’t, but I was so wrong about this one. Humility is a valuable lesson. Especially when it comes to burrito bowls. I’m hooked. I’m basic. I’m sorry. I’m really not sorry.


So that’s it for now. Don’t be too scandalized. In the meantime I’ll be re-reading The Interior Castle and seeing what I come up with. Pax. 

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